Abstract Submission Form

Full name of the author (required)
Fill in your full name.

Full names of co-authors
Fill in the names of all co-authors.

*If your paper has more than 6 co-authors, contact us by email: kongres@dps.si

Name of the institution for the first author (required)

The institution address for the first author (required)
(if the author is unemployed, she/he should provide her/his home address)

E-mail adress of the first author (required)

Telephone number of the first author

Abstract title (required)

Abstract (required)
Reccommended length is around 200 words (max. 250 words or exactly 1900 characters with spaces), and it should be written as one paragraph without subtitles. Avoid adding citations to the abstract (abstracts can conditionally include the most necessary citations, e.g. for the relevant theories/models and used psychological tests). If you decide to include one or a few citations, do not add the reference list to the abstract.


Presentation format (required)
Check the chosen presentation format.
workshop/symposium/oral presentation/poster/round table/panel session/

*If you are submitting a proposal for symposium, please fill in the information on suggested presenters with topics covered by each presenter:

Student section
Check in case you are submitting a student paper.
Student paper

*Should you encounter any technical difficulties when completing your application, please contact us by email kongres@dps.si.